Hope in Hopeless Times: Spring into Hope

  For this project I was inspired to find hope in hopeless times. As winter turned to spring over the semester I couldn’t help but notice all the changes happening around me. As some warmth came back to the cold New England spring, at some point, I felt and sense of hope. Hope that summer was coming and the semester would come to an end. For me personally spring was a sign of hope in the hopeless times I felt when I was drowned in school work and my job. In my photos I wanted to capture the motion of change that is happening when flowers bloom in spring time. I also am juxtaposing the flowers in bloom with its urban surroundings. I wanted to make sure to include this juxtaposition for two reasons. One being the juxtaposition of beauty in more than one way. The second being the personal connection to myself as all these photos are taken in my neighborhood of Brighton which is a neighborhood of Boston. The quote “our awareness is all that is alive and maybe sacred in any of us” (Kurt Vonnegut) echoes in my photos as they bring awareness to your surroundings and nature. This quote also draws back to the idea that we all are a part of nature as well. That nature may be sacred in us. My photos show different flowers in different stages in bloom. In terms of senses and finding hope in hopeless times, the sight of such beautiful colors and flowers can help us. I hope when people look at these photos they feel some type of sense of hope in their own ways whatever that might be.


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