Life with Covid (Early Stages)
This project is a collection of photos that reflect the impacts of living amongst the COVID-19 pandemic and life in quarantine. Some of the photos are portraits. I wanted to capture the feeling that living in quarantine has produced. I also have portraits of family and friends wearing masks and photos of social distancing because that is the new norm. The other part of my project is places. One thing I captured was the void this pandemic has caused for a lot of places. One photograph I have is the empty pub I work at. It is so strange to see these places empty and it also reflects the economic impact. Another empty place I captured was a park. Right now all parks in Boston are closed. I also took photos at the supermarket. I was able to witness a difference in how the supermarkets were operating from the beginning of the pandemic compared to now, from empty shelves to one way aisles. With this project I want to convey the feelings of anxiety and uncertainty we are all feeling, but also hope for the future.