SomethingTasty is a meal kit delivery service. This was my senior thesis project for my BFA. I was inspired by my love of food, eating, and baking to create my thesis project as well as my interest in package design, branding, and photography. I created a website home page, packaging and recipe cards for the brand that all include some food photography. The goal of this brand is to make amateur cooks feel more like professional chefs while cooking easy tasty comfort foods. The SomethingTasty brand is meant to feel high end, professional and elegant but also fun.
My process included a lot of brainstorming and planning out how I wanted to brand to look, feel, and work. I knew from the beginning I wanted the brand to feel high end but also fun and playful. I decided to keep the brand’s color palette minimal and refined to reflect the brand’s aesthetic. I decided that each box that you can order would have its own color palette that reflects the recipe’s mood. For most of the color palettes I built out, I pulled colors from the photos. The box names reiterate the brand’s name and reflect the overall theme of the box and recipe, for example the SomethingSaucy box is a pasta recipe. Each box offered from SomethingTasty has one recipe included and that recipe changes every month. I brainstormed a few different boxes and ended up building out packaging for four of the boxes and recipes. For each box I designed a recipe card that is meant to reflect the brand but also the feel of the recipe being offered to complete that user experience and connection between brand and person.

I wanted the logo to clearly emulate the aesthetic and feel of the brand. I wanted the logo to look clean and high end. The color palette was kept minimal and refined to fit the brand but also to allow color to play a role in other areas of the brand.

Website Landing Page